I love role playing games like Dungeons and Dragons. A huge part of the fun for me has always been character design and I take so much joy in imagining these characters and the worlds that they inhabit. Here’s some of my favorites that I’ve drawn up over the last few years for a handful of different campaigns. Some are original creations, some are drawings of characters as described by other players.

Donni Thistle is an Orc Barbarian from a poor family currently sleeping behind his drums at the studio space where his bands practice. Plays drums in the Noid Rats, a promising new band in Plugg City on Noid Island, where monsters Reign.

Nexibus Ironoak. Lead singer of the Noid Rats, a punk band on Noid island, where monsters reign. From a wealthy and powerful Tiefling family, she was trained in classical singing and prepped for prestige, but rebelled and instead chose to sing in punk bands in the slats.

Glarch! A chaos worshipping noise musician who joined the Noid Rats as a vehicle for spreading chaos and disorder across the Noid, where monsters reign. Working to subvert authority and sow disorder with every breath, he’s a real handful.

Rix, a hair stylist with some very unusual clientele in the fast paced city of Gnarlywood in the Noid where monsters reign.

Steve! Everyone’s favorite dweeb in the Noid where monsters reign. Best friend to the Noid Rats, a monster punk band. Owner of a well curated record shop in the Slats, a rough neighborhood in Plugg City on Noid Island. Not great in a fight but an expert researcher and good at paperwork.

Mukla, a troll and former pit fighter who retired from fighting to open a dive bar in the Slats. Kind and simple, she loves helping out young punks getting their start on her humble stage. She does not pick fights, but she ends them with brutal efficiency. Her two estranged sons work for the Mayor.

Trevor, an assassin rogue haunting the noid rats on ‘Noid island, where monsters reign.

A pack of Kobolds discovered squatting at the Noid Rats’ practice space. At first the party wanted to evict them, but then they discovered the kobolds were pretty good at fixing up and modding broken musical gear, so the party struck a deal to keep them around as technicians and security. Guy is the heart, Fry is the Brains, Sly is the Muscle, and Lorna is the Charm.

A rival band to the Noid Rats, formerly Donnie’s band until he was replaced with two famous Gnormlin drummers. Snarlin Chee is the worst. Glick is ok. Madrat is Donni’s cousin. Churt and Dombek are pretty weird but they used to play with Hotsi Totsi and the bad vibes, who were kind of a big deal.

Goblin Shroom Wizard.

Sneaky sneaky Goblin Rogue!

A fearless goblin fighter

Goblin demolitions expert.

Furl, the Gnome bard out to loot the rich and feed the poor with her crew in the Otherlands.

Thuulan, a shadow warlock of Aetha.

Rook, Aetha’s cutest ‘lil rogue halfling.

Old Man Rook, back from his adventures unstuck in time through the many ages of Aetha and looking much worse for wear.

Jack Shade master of Shadow.

Guillermo, swashbuckling Tiefling. He claims he’s only here for the loot but we know he’s a big softy. Also wants to talk about the loot.

Dalif the peacemaker, Aasimar Bard who restored diplomacy between kingdoms across the lands Aetha in the 3rd dragon age.

Catbard! A commission for a friend inspired by her cat.

Dragonborn wind weaver in the land of Aetha

Raeflin, a rogue shifter plays bass in the noid rats, Plugg city’s most notorious punk band. He grew up on the streets, picking pockets and vanishing into crowds. Some things never change.

Kael Borbi, The Vegetarian Barbarian, and her halfling bestie Rook, the rogue that time forgot adventured together through Aetha